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YOU, Yourself and Your Future

High-impact workshop strengthening a stronger sense of self.

6 hr
4,500 British pounds
Client Site or virtual delivery

Service Description

workbook comprises: 1 full day face to face delivery (client site) or 2 half day sessions (virtual delivery). Workbook for participants 30 minutes post-engagement activity. Workbook Overview One of the biggest challenges that we face as humans, is developing our real sense of self. This can be especially challenging for new graduates into large organisations as part of a graduate cohort. It is easy to become lost and adopt group thinking rather than develop our own ideas. Supporting your new entry talent to be able to identify their own sense of purpose, values and goals, helps them to create a foundation upon which a powerful future can be developed. This enables them to objectively assess their current skill and talent level and identify where they need to grow in order to achieve their goals. They take responsibility for their own development, which increases engagement and improves productivity. This clear identity can pave the way for long term planning, whilst enabling detours and changes of direction that still align to their values. This stronger sense of self enables them to build confidence, take on challenges and add additional value to the organisation and their role. Following completion of this workshop they will have: An understanding of their personal values and purpose An awareness of how these values align with the organisation Knowledge of their current skill level and their development needs Developed a deeper understanding of the future that they want to aim for Built confidence in their ability to change direction and yet remain on track Created an action plan to develop their sense of self and build confidence

Contact Details


Woodberry House, 2 Woodberry Grove Woodberry Grove, London N12 0DR, UK

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